At this point in time, I was very familiar with AfterEffects and motion design, but traditional 2D animation...not so much. Here are some examples of the basics that I created to help understand the 12 principles of animation. The first is a classic walk cycle, then a flipbook in different frame rates, and a couple bouncing balls.
This short 3D animation was created from scratch in one semester. At the beginning I had never event opened Maya, but throughout the class we learned how to model, shade, rig, animate, render, edit, etc. I walked away with a good understanding of Maya with the intention to grow and improve my skills in the future.
Although stop motion isn't the first animation technique I usually think of, I think it taught me the fundamentals most effectively out of any other. The simplicity of the frame to frame movement translating into real motion was really foundational and changed all of my animation skills from that point forward. Here is a project where we had to animate inanimate objects! I made my headphones eat a paper towel, how silly.